Your Essential Guide To Trigger-Point Injections

Your Essential Guide To Trigger-Point Injections

It’s no secret that chronic muscle pain is a serious issue for the hundreds of thousands of Americans who struggle with it every day. If you’re searching for pain relief, you’ve likely tried physical therapy, pain pills, and yoga – seemingly everything to try to get at least some mild form of comfort with no luck.

The team of healthcare professionals at 512 Pain Management has a treatment that you may not have heard of yet. Through years of pain management research, specialists have come up with a pain relief strategy known as “trigger-point injections.”

Our team at 512 Pain Management is here to explain what trigger-point injections are, who they’re for, and what to expect when receiving them. Read on to learn more about this form of pain relief and then contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our care specialists.

What Are Trigger-Point Injections and What Are They Used For?

Have you ever visited a massage therapist or chiropractor who described pain in your muscles as “knots?” These “knots” are actually called myofascial pain and are very sensitive to any pressure or touch.

Many of these knots form through minor trauma or repeated microtrauma, which stresses and contracts muscle fibers. These contracted muscle fibers eventually form the painful knots that we want to get rid of!

Trigger-point injections utilize local anesthetics followed by an injection of corticosteroid or botulinum toxin (or sometimes just a dry needle).

Trigger-point injections are most commonly used to treat the following muscles:

  • temporalis (muscles on the sides of your head)
  • trapezius (muscle that extends over your back and shoulders)
  • masseter (muscle in the jaw)
  • gluteus medius (muscle in the hip)
  • quadratus lumborum (muscle in your lower back)
  • sternocleidomastoid (muscle in the neck)

Who Would Most Likely Need Trigger-Point Injections?

If you’re someone who constantly deals with myofascial pain, but the more common treatments and therapies haven’t worked, then trigger-point injections may be the answer!

Generally, people with careers such as construction, factory work, or other labor-intensive jobs are those who benefit most from these types of injections. However, anyone can succumb to myofascial pain over time!

Usually, doctors or healthcare specialists will combine physical therapy, stretching, or other pain management treatments with trigger-point injections so that the patient sees the most pain relief possible.

Get Your Pain Relieved Today With 512 Pain Management

Living with chronic muscle pain will likely impact your ability to work, spend time with loved ones, or pursue your passions. It’s important to understand that there is help out there, and 512 Pain Management can provide it. Reach out to learn more about our team and pain specialists.

Living life with chronic pain can make even the smallest task seem impossible, so contact 512 Pain Management to see if trigger-point injections are the right choice for you.

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