Experienced Pain Management Specialists

We provide minimally invasive, non-narcotic pain relief solutions to help our patients overcome acute pain from car accidents and personal injury.

Experienced Pain Management Specialists

We provide non-narcotic pain treatments with care, so you find relief, recover, and live your life forward.

A woman leaping into the air with a long sheet billowing behind her

Austin, TX, Pain Management Specialists


We celebrate a 92 percent improvement rate with our non-surgical, non-narcotic, and regenerative pain management treatments.


We strive to offer the best experience for our patients. Appointments, consultations, and treatments are processed in a clear, efficient, and timely manner.


Our 30 years of experience enables us to offer effective pain treatment options, allowing patients to get back to their lives with minimal to no downtime.


Providing Effective Austin Pain Management Solutions

Acute pain resulting from injuries can limit our ability to enjoy our regular lives. Our pain management physician in Austin, Texas is dedicated to helping patients find pain relief and regain mobility. From leg pain to back pain and more, our non-surgical, non-narcotic, and regenerative pain treatment solutions can offer relief.

A woman stretching her arms behind her back and clasping her hands together

Helping Austin, Texas Find Effective Pain Management Solutions

Acute pain resulting from injuries can limit our ability to enjoy our regular lives. Our pain management physician in Austin, Texas is dedicated to helping patients find pain relief and regain mobility. From leg pain to back pain and more, our minimally invasive, non-narcotic pain treatment solutions can offer relief.

Sources of Acute Pain


Whether it’s caused by an injury or a disease, leg pain can happen to anyone. Broken bones, muscle strains, and joint issues are especially common for

 people who have been involved in a car accident. No matter the cause, we can help you find a minimally invasive solution for pain relief.

Lower Back

Lower back pain can significantly impact our ability to simply move throughout the day. Whether you work in an office or lift and load heavy packages, lower back pain can be debilitating. Don’t wait to find your minimally invasive, non-narcotic pain management solution.


Due to the complexity of the joint, our knees are particularly vulnerable to pain caused by injuries and overuse. Don’t let your knee pain hold you back from enjoying life. Find your minimally invasive pain relief solution with help from 512 Pain Management.


You don’t have to be involved in a car accident to experience arm pain. While crashes are a common factor, painful carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by something as minor as working at a desk. Whether your pain was caused by your work or an accident, we can help you find relief.


From torn rotator cuffs to overuse, there are countless causes of shoulder pain that could be to blame for your suffering. You don’t have to keep suffering in silence. We can help you find the right minimally invasive, non-narcotic pain management solution.


Neck pain doesn’t have to stop you from doing the things you love. Take the first step back to enjoying life with a visit to 512 Pain Management. We can help you find pain relief.

A woman experiencing leg pain


Acute leg pain can be caused by a wide range of conditions. In fact, muscle sprain and strains, fractures, and joint dislocations are especially common types of leg injuries.

A man experiencing lower back pain

Lower Back

According to a report from Georgetown University, back pain is “the leading cause of work limitations among adults.” You can injure muscles, tendons, or ligaments by lifting something too heavy or by ignoring safe lifting practices.

A woman experiencing knee pain


Common knee injuries that cause pain are torn meniscus, knee bursitis, patellar tendinitis, and a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament.

A man experiencing arm pain


We use our arms and hands the most, and some discomforts can be normal if overused. An arm injury normally can cause trouble when moving your arm freely or turning your arm from palm up to palm down and vice versa.

A man experiencing shoulder pain


The most common injuries to the shoulders are rotator cuff tendinitis, tears, and shoulder dislocations. Watch for numbness, tingling, weakness, changes in temperature, or a decrease in range of motion.

A woman experiencing neck pain


Common injuries that cause neck pain are whiplash, nerve pinch injury, disk injury, or vertebral fracture. Watch out if your pain is severe and continuous, if it radiates to your arms or legs, or if you feel tingling in your arms or legs.

How we can help...

Find Minimally Invasive Pain Relief


How we can help...

Find Minimally Invasive Pain Relief


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